Tuesday 29 September 2015

Camera Angles

Tilt Shot

This can be used to show speed, movement or an unsettled mood, this shows the moment before the accident. 

Low Shot

Makes someone seem larger than life or dominant, or suggest we are seeing someone through the eyes of someone seated or in this case a picture being taken on her first day of school

Shot/reverse shot (Over the shoulder)

These shots used to show us a conversation between characters. You get to see in detail how they react to each other emotionally and what they say. This picture shows the conversation between Charlotte and Abbie. 
Long Shot

Used to show the character at some distance. It shows the how the she is dominated by her surroundings
This is showing the location of the character from their point of view after, also she is alone, which makes the viewer curious to what she is doing.
Establishing Shot

The opening shot of the scene, this shot is used to set the scene and also shows what the character can see through her eyes.

Extreme Close up

Used to show important detail, object, texture or moment. This shows the a flower at the funeral and could makes the audience feel upset and emotion towards the character. 

Mid shot

I don't have the following picture for this shot with a mid shot it allows a lot of the background to be seen. This means that the character can be seen as vulnerable to his/her surroundings, as the area is so large in comparison to the character his/herself. An example of a mid shot would be showing the character from the waist upwards. This emphasises the facial expression of the character but also includes some of the background along with it.

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