Monday 1 February 2016

The Dark Knight Rises Textual Analysis

The opening title sequence for ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ establishes an eery and mysterious atmosphere. This is due to the pace of the non-diegetic soundtrack being played. Also, the colours in the opening only consist of black, white and grey, this again reinforces the intended atmosphere. During this sequence we are introduced to some of the characters within the film indirectly, as we only see pictures of them. titles are included within the image and alter positions simultaneously with the camera movement. We are only able to guess what will happen in the film as we are not shown any of the plot.


Editing has been used to build genre and also representation as lots of the time within the opening sequence was focused on the character ‘Bane’ and this imposes his importance to the audience. Continuity has been clearly used. 

Camera Angles/Shots

The audience of the film is the followers of the batman trilogy and this is shown by the use of camera shots showing a character from one of the previous films. The audience may also range to people who enjoy films under the thriller genre and hence, may entice them to view the film. 

During the conversation between ‘Bane’ and the CIA agent shot reverse shot is used and high angle shot is used when the CIA agent is in shot and a low angle shot is used when ‘Bane’ is in shot.The character Bane is represented as powerful and despite his physical appearance he is shown to be powerful from the camera angles used on his whilst in shot, as in every shot he is shown in he is either being shown through a low angle shot or a high angle over the shoulder shot of him, both of which show power of the character and impose the idea of his importance.

Mise-en scene

Mise on scene is also vital to the representation of the character bane as we are shown his mask, which is also key to the representation of this particular character as it has great importance within the narrative. The mask is also very important as it is used as an enigma code to engage the viewer and question who the character is and why he wears it.


Non-Diegetic sound and diegetic sound have been clearly used to emphasise certain parts of the opening sequence, as they are key to the narrative. Non-diegetic sound has been used throughout the opening sequence to show importance of the actions taking place by the use of powerful orchestral music being played during the events taking place in shot.

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