Monday 29 February 2016

Extra scene

Hey Guys!

Click for OptionsWe just got our feedback back for opening which gave us some help on what we could include to just give it that extra push, and we all thought that adding a final scene after the title would be good to help continue the opening and build back up the tension after the victim has been kidnapped. I think that our thriller opening kind off represents the Tzvetan Todorov’s Narrative Theory. This is a simple structure, and some texts defy the idea of a resolution or return to equilibrium, as they seek to challenge audiences by offering open-ended narratives that require the audience to interpret what they understand by the ending.
Click for Options

We have decided the scene is going to be the victims friend sitting at the dinner table and then becoming aware that her best friend is missing due to a recent status on Facebook about a missing girl. She then rushes out of her house to find her, this then makes the audience want to keep on watching and see what happens to the victim and how her friend is going to help out this mystery. However, this means that it has also changed our story board, as before it ended at the title "MISSING" and nothing after it, but now we have an added scene. We also added a 999 call but it didn't get put on our final production. 

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