Friday 22 January 2016

Missing Screenplay

Recently me and my group have been working on our screenplay so that when it comes to filming our thriller opening we have a good idea of what camera shots we are going to use as well as what dialogue is going to be involved. We will also be including what it happening in the scene e.g when it says a muffled scream from Charlotte etc. Below is what idea we came up with initially for our thriller opening, however some changes may still be made e.g. more dialogue may be added, or different camera angles because we may get different ideas and decide different things will work better in order for our thriller opening to be the best of our abilities. But this is all part of the process!

Friends, Lucy and Charlotte are walking down a street lit road, casually talking. 
Where’s that concert you’re going to? 
O2 Academy 
I was thinking about coming, what date is it? 
6th February, on Saturday. You coming? 
Ohh no, is that this Saturday? 
Yeah, why? 
I’ve got work. 
Oh for god’s sake. Anyway, see you later! Facetime me when you’re home. 

See you. 
Charlotte walks towards the entrance of the woods. She opens the gate, and heads through the dark woods alone. She gets out her phone from her pocket, scrolling social media 
As she walks along the path she hears a crunch of leaves being stood on behind her. She suddenly turns around to see who’s there. No one is to be seen. She begins to pick up the pace, and keeps looking behind her to check if anyone’s there. 
Antagonist POV: 
He spies on the girl through the bushes, following her tracks. He is quiet and calm, as represented in his slow breathing/heart rate in contrast to Charlotte’s. 
She sees a black silhouette in the distance, stumbling on her feet she runs faster only to turn back around and the figure has disappeared. Her breathing rate picks up and she panics. She runs to the gate, her shaking hands struggle to grasp the latch in time. She hears the breathing behind her, it’s too late. A hand grabs her mouth.  
*Muffled scream from Charlotte*

 She is suddenly plunged into darkness and a black bag is carelessly shoved over her head. 

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