Friday 6 November 2015

Q5 - Feedback

There are a lot of positives and negatives within my production, within my class I asked a member to give me feedback on it.


Good music was put in which sounded like a lot of time was spent doing it.
- Good shots used and ran smoothly
- Good match on action
- Good continuity
- The casting is appropriate to the location


- An error in the spacing of the titling
- The transition makes it look like a Power-point
- Conversation could of been improved
- The music didn't fit with the production
- Be more fast paced

- When walking in the dance studio the footage looked weird due to it being speeded up. 

To improve from these negatives would be that we could make Emma walk a lot faster, this would then prevent it from looking weird and we wouldn't have to speed it up when it comes to the editing stage. When we do our final production we will make sure that the music fits the production of a thriller and the conversation between characters, if any, is more realistic for a thriller opening. If we could re-do this, then we would do the transitions again to make it look a more professional and serious production that could be played in movie theatres. 

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