Sunday 29 November 2015

Conventions of Thrillers

What is a thriller?

Thriller Film is a genre that revolves around anticipation and suspense. The aim for Thrillers is to keep the audience alert and on the edge of their seats. The protagonist in these films is set against a problem – an escape, a mission, or a mystery. No matter what sub-genre a Thriller film falls into, it will emphasize the danger that the protagonist faces. The tension with the main problem is built on throughout the film and leads to a highly stressful climax.

Characteristics of thrillers

Thrillers often overlap with mystery stories, but are distinguished by the structure of their plots. The crimes that mainly occur in thrillers are serial, mass murder, terrorism, assassination or the overthrow of governments.

Some thrillers have a climax. When a mystery climaxes as the mystery is solved, a thriller climaxes when the hero finally defeats the villain, saving his own life and often the lives of others.

Main Locations of thrillers

Foreign cities, deserts, churches, subways, airports, polar regions, or high seas.

Sub genres of thrillers

Spy thrillers- e.g. James Bond
Political thrillers- e.g. Argo
Military thrillers– e.g. saving Private Ryan
Conspiracy thrillerse.g. The Insider
Medical thrillers– e.g. Coma
Forensic thrillers- The Bone Collector
Psychological thrillers- conflict between the main characters is mental and emotional rather than physical e.g. Se7en
Horror thriller- in which conflict between the main characters is mental, emotional, and physical e.g. The Silence of the Lambs

More sub genres of thrillers ...

Crime thrillers, disaster thrillers, erotic thrillers, legal thrillers, religious thrillers, supernatural thrillers and action thrillers.

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